This is Tooniverse’s biggest update yet! 1.1 makes the whole pack consistent with the new brighter, cleaner, and more shaded style seen in the more recent mob updates. This includes a new shader pack, a few more mobs in the new style, and features a huge number of changes to blocks, skyboxes, rain, custom colours, and more!
Here’s the full changelog for this update:
• Blocks: Command blocks. 3D models for candles, dandelion, cornflower, poppy, dead bush, and remaining saplings.
• Mobs: Cats, skeleton horse, zombie horse, horse armour, mooshrooms.
• Blocks: Made changes to shading style to match the mob style that won the popular vote on the Discord server. Removed outlines from all flowers, mushrooms, crops, dripstone, gravel, blackstone, amethysts, and bamboo. Added extra shading to carrot, potato, wheat, and beetroot crops, sand, target, hay, tall grass, allium, azure bluet, peony, rose bush, logs, butterflies, cave vines, glow lichen, dripleaf, sugar cane.
• Items: Updated clocks with the new sun and clouds.
• Mobs: Updated all other horse textures and llamas.
• Misc: New sun and rain textures. New clouds, rainbow, and mushroom biome skyboxes. New custom colour palettes for grass, foliage, water, fog, sky, and underwater. New crosshairs.
• Shaders: Disabled world curvature due to issues, tweaked colour grading, added a shine to distant transparent textures.